Phoebe Skok

Communications Associate


Phoebe is a passionate writer, clean energy nerd, and avid bookworm. As a Communications Associate at DG+, Phoebe helps tell the stories of various climate tech and renewable energy startups and elevates the DG+ brand.

Their professional background spans from B2B climate journalism at Latitude Media to media relations at Redwood Climate Communications to nonprofit communications and outreach at Community Loaves. Though new to DG+, Phoebe is particularly proud of her recent articles covering solar manufacturing, the climate impact of data centers, and heavy industry decarbonization.

Phoebe recently graduated from Scripps Institution of Oceanography with her master’s in climate science and policy, where she wrote and designed a 100-page guidebook (available in English and French) for theatre professionals about how to “green” the theatre industry and make the arts more sustainable.

A Seattle native, Phoebe spent the last three years in San Diego, where they also graduated summa cum laude from UC San Diego with a BA in environmental anthropology and French. Now, she’s about to relocate to Los Angeles with her partner and looks forward to exploring the city and (hopefully) fostering cats in her new home! Outside of work, Phoebe enjoys jumping into cold water, testing new vegan recipes, and doing the New York Times crossword.

Want to learn more about Phoebe? Read our DG+ Insights article to get to know her.

Phoebe Skok

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